Publications (2020 - Present)
Yeh T.-Y., and Contreras G.P., (2020). First report of coinfection of satellite and defective RNA of bamboo mosaic virus in the bamboo host. Plant Disease 104: 2744. (SCI impact factor: 4.614).
Yeh T.-Y., (2020). XerD-dependent integration of a novel filamentous phage Cf2 into the Xanthomonas citri Genome. Virology 548: 160-167. PMID: 32838937. (SCI impact factor: 3.513).
Yeh T.-Y., and Contreras, G.P., (2020). Emerging viral mutants in Australia suggest the first recombination event of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) genome. Med J Australia 213(1):44-44.e1. PMID: 32506536. (SCI impact factor: 12.776. Ranked 17th out of 172 journals in the field of Medicine, General & Internal).
Chen, C.-F., Tsai, T.-Y., Yu, C.-H., Cheng, H.-L., and Yeh, T.-Y., (2020). Prolonged viral shedding and new mutations of COVID-19 could complicate the control of the pandemic. Access Microbiol. 2: acmi000133.
Yeh T.-Y., and Contreras G.P., (2021). Viral transmission and evolution dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in shipboard quarantine Bull World Health Organ. 99(7): 486–495. PMID: 34248221. (SCI impact factor: 13.831, Ranked 10th out of 193 journals in the field of Public, Occupational and Environmental health).
Yeh T.-Y., and Contreras G.P., (2021). Full vaccination against COVID-19 suppresses SARS-CoV-2 delta variant and spike gene mutation frequencies and generates purifying selection pressure. MedRxiv. (Ranked top 0.1% [44th out of 38,416] outputs of MedRxiv. 11,504 tweeters, 37,114 downloaded).
Yeh T.-Y., and Contreras G.P., (2021). Tajima D test accurately forecasts Omicron / COVID-19 outbreak. MedRxiv. (Ranked top 16% outputs of MedRxiv).
Cheng C.-K., Contreras G.P., and Yeh T.-Y., (2022). Potential Role of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps in Cardio-Oncology. J. Mol. Sci. 23(7), 3573; (SCI impact factor: 6.21).
Yeh T.-Y., Hsieh Z.-Y.*, Feehley M.C.*, Feehley P.J.*, Contreras G.P.*, Su Y.-C., Hsieh S.-L., Lewis D.A., (2022). Recombination shapes the 2022 monkeypox (mpox) outbreak. Med 3(12), 824-826. (*These authors contributed equally) (SCI impact factor: 17.0. Ranked as top 2 among all 189 journals in the category of ” Medicine, Research and Experimental”).
Yeh T.-Y., Feehley P.J.*, Feehley M.C.*, Ooi V.Y.*, Wu P.-C., Hsieh F., Chiu S. S., Su Y.-C., Lewis M.S., Contreras G.P., (2024). The packaging signal of Xanthomonas integrative filamentous phages. Virology. 600:110279. (*These authors contributed equally). [Press Release].
Yeh T.-Y., Feehley M.C.*, Feehley P.J.*, Ooi V.Y.*, Hung Y.-Y., Wang S.,-C., Contreras G.P., (2024). A packaging signal-binding protein regulates the assembly checkpoint of integrative filamentous phages. eLife. (*These authors contributed equally) (SCI impact factor: 7.7. Ranked as top 3 among all 112 journals in the category of ” Biology”).
Ooi V.Y., Yeh T.-Y., (2024). Recent Advances and Mechanisms of Phage-Based Therapies in Cancer Treatment. Int J Mol Sci 25:9938. (SCI impact factor: 6.21).
Yeh T.-Y., Feehley P.J.*, Feehley M.C.*, Chen C.-F., Tsai T.-Y., Cheng H.-L., Contreras G.P.*, (2025). Rapidly evolving recombinant monkeypox virus strains compound the challenges of the 2024 mpox outbreak. Lancet Microbe 6:101017. (*These authors contributed equally) (SCI impact factor: 20.9, Ranked as top 3 among 161 journals in the category of ” Microbiology” and top 2 among 132 journals in the category of ” Infectious diseases”). [Press Release].
Conference Abstracts
Yeh T.-Y.#, Feehley, M.C.*, Feehley P. J.*, Ooi, V. Y.*, Contreras G.P., (2024). Evolutionary conservation and diversity of filamentous phage encapsidation. Cell Bio 2023/ASCB Annual Meeting Abstracts. Mol Biol Cell 35:ar12. (Abstract #P1686) (* poster presenter, equal contribution and co-second authors; #invited speaker).
Yeh T.-Y., Liao S.M.*, Hsieh F.*, Wu M.*, Wang Y.C.*, Hong C.-E.*, Kuo F.-Y.*, Wu P.-E.*, Wu P.-C.*, Chiu S.-N.*, Kohli J.K.*, Contreras G.P., (2024). A phage decoy protein coevolves with a type IV pili assembly factor and suppresses its host bacterial motility and superinfection. Cell Bio 2024/ASCB Annual Meeting Abstracts. Mol Biol Cell 36 (1). (*equal contribution and co-second authors).
Yeh T.-Y., Liao S.M.*, Hsieh F.*, Wu M.*, Wang Y.C.*, Hong C.-E.*, Kuo F.-Y.*, Wu P.-E.*, Wu P.-C.*, Chiu S.-N.*, Kohli J.K.*, Contreras G.P., (2025). Integrative filamentous phages drive metabolism and stress response adaptation of microbial communities. ASV meeting 2025, Montréal, Canada. (* presenter, equal contribution and co-second authors).
Feehley P. J.*#, Feehley, M.C.*, Contreras G.P., Yeh T.-Y., (2025). Tandem Repeat Analysis Identifies ds-DNA Virus Genomic Recombination. ASV meeting 2025, Montréal, Canada. (# presenter; * equal contribution).
Feehley, M.C.*#, Feehley P. J.*, Contreras G.P., Yeh T.-Y., (2025). Mpox virus recombination during natural human transmission reveals diversity of poxvirus replication mechanisms. ASV meeting 2025, Montréal, Canada.(# presenter; * equal contribution).
Manuscripts in Preparation
Yeh T.-Y., Liao S.M.*, Hsieh F.*, Wu M.*, Wang Y.C.*, Hong C.-E.*, Kuo F.-Y.*, Wu P.-E.*, Wu P.-C.*, Chiu S.-N.*, Kohli J.K.*, Contreras G.P., (2025). Co-evolution of integrative filamentous phage with a host pili assembly factor drives bacterial metabolism and stress response adaptation. (Review article) (*These authors contributed equally).
Ooi V.Y., Yeh T.Y., (2025). A systematic review of anti-cancer and antiviral properties and applications of amphibian nucleases. (Review article).
Feehley P. J., Feehley M.C., Contreras G.P., Yeh T.-Y., (2025). Tandem Repeat Analysis Identifies ds-DNA Virus Genomic Recombination. (Research article).
Feehley M.C., Feehley P. J., Contreras G.P., Yeh T.-Y., (2025). Mpox virus recombination during natural human transmission reveals diversity of poxvirus replication mechanisms. (Research article).
Feehley P. J.*, Feehley, M.C.*, Ooi, V. Y.*, Contreras G.P., Yeh T.-Y., (2025). Molecular and Evolutionary Aspects of Filamentous Phage Assembly. (Review article).