
Inventor : Ting-Yu Yeh. Current Assignee: Auxergen Inc. Application granted: April 21, 2020, U.S. Patent 10626375B2.

Inventor : Yeh T.-Y. and Contreras, G. P., (2020). U.S. Application No. 18/068,594. (pending)

Inventor :  Yeh T.-Y. and Contreras, G. P. Preliminary Patent filed: September 30, 2019. U.S. Patent No.: 62/907,803


Recombination Shapes the 2022 Monkeypox (mpox) Outbreak. ScienceDirect, Med (2022)
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Ting-YuYeh, Zih-Yu Hsieh, Michael C. Feehley, Patrick J. Feehley, Gregory P. Contreras, Ying-Chieh Su, Shang-Lin Hsieh, and Dylan A. Lewis Full Article
Potential Role of Neutrophil Extracellular Traps in Cardio-Oncology. National Library of Medicine (2022)
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Kai-Hung Cheng, Gregory P Contreras, Ting-Yu Yeh Full Article
First report of coinfection of satellite and defective RNA of bamboo mosaic virus in the bamboo host. National Library of Medicine (2022)
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Ting-Yu Yeh, Gregory P. Contreras Full Article
Tajima D test accurately forecasts Omicron / COVID-19 outbreak. National Library of Medicine (2021)
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Ting-Yu Yeh, Gregory P. Contreras Full Article
Viral transmission and evolution dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in shipboard quarantine Bull World Health Organ. National Library of Medicine (2021)
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Ting-Yu Yeh, Gregory P. Contreras Full Article
Full vaccination against COVID-19 suppresses SARS-CoV-2 delta variant and spike gene mutation frequencies and generates purifying selection pressure. MedRxiv (2021)
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Ting-Yu Yeh, Gregory P. Contreras Full Article
Emerging viral mutants in Australia suggest the first recombination event of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) genome.  National Library of Medicine (2020)
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Ting-Yu Yeh, Gregory P. Contreras Full Article
Prolonged viral shedding and new mutations of COVID-19 could complicate the control of the pandemic. Microbiology Society (2020)
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Chieh-Fan Chen, Tung-Yuan Tsai, Chen-Hui Yu, Hsiang-Lan Cheng, Ting-Yu Yeh Full Article
XerD-dependent integration of a novel filamentous phage Cf2 into the Xanthomonas citri genome. ScienceDirect, Virology (2020)
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Ting-Yu Yeh Full Article